Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Sweaters Forever

With fall still slightly evading our grasp, I've been wearing lots of lighter sweaters lately, especially layered over my summer dresses. Either way, sweaters are forever. Today was a shining example of a non-fall day, but never be afraid to put on layers when its warm out-you can always take them off if it gets too hot. Or if you're like me and live in a college building that stays cold until half way through winter, layers are your best friend (but seriously, the music building at Wesleyan is so cold, I swear they're preserving mammoths in the basement or something).

Today had me running from one thing to the next and University Choir had its first performance. Needless to say, it was wonderful being back with some of my best friends, doing something I love, and reaching the audience with a specific message. Tonight we sang about famine and the reaction from audience members was very powerful. A number of people came up to me saying they were in tears during our singing, which speaks to the dedication of our group. I know this part doesn't apply to fashion, but it was on my mind and is important to me, so I wanted to share it with all of you!

Here are some of my great friends and also the outfit for the day; stay well and keep pushing-we're halfway through the week!

Sweater: $6, thrifted from Lily Pads
Skirt: $15, H&M

Skirt: same as pictured above
Shoes: $10, Urban Outfitters

[Carlo and I]

[Amy, my best friend]

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